Freddie Mercury: il racconto della sua vita
In occasione del 17° anniversario della morte di Freddie Mercury vi segnalo "The Untold Story", un documentario che racconta la straordinaria figura di Freddie Mercury attraverso la testimonianza di parenti, amici, collaboratori e produttori.
Ecco la prima parte
Sul mio blog troverete il video intero (con sottotitoli in italiano).
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Alle 4/4/20 22:44 ,
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Salaam! I am happy to share my tinnitus cure story with everyone reading. I live in Malaysia and work for a leading construction company. My job involves direct supervision with employees and operating industrial noisy machines. At our duty, protective gears where provided for us to for noise shield, but they were not enough to save anyone form blaring noise of; cutting, digging and moving machines. A lot of us were exposed to noise which caused great pain. The noise as I was told by Doctors, caused my tinnitus.
Early in 2015, I had terrible tinnitus challenge, I knew it was the job hazard and the company took cost of all medications. I was admitted and given medications to help for a relive. Truly, those drugs were pain to me, it never actually worked, not minding I took them as directed. I wanted a cure not a relief. Living on drugs was never a good choice for me especially English medications with various side effects. I treated my tinnitus for 3 years with those medications, yet there was no sign for a cure. The humming and other noise were steady in my head and leads to headache often. With all the medicines, I did not get the cure I needed. So I resorted to herbal medications. I tried quite a lot from; exercise to native tea which helped a little. I became so lucky, when I read about Dr. Mohan Herbal medicine, the testimony of the person who got cured by Dr. Mohan inspired me use his herbal medicine. I got in touch with him, explained by condition. Five months using Mohan medicine, Alhamdulillah! My tinnitus noise and pain in my head and ears stopped gradually. What English medicines couldn’t do for 3 years, herbal medicine perfected it in no time. Dr. Mohan medicine cured me. I will be ungrateful if I don’t let people out there know that herbal medicine works better for tinnitus. My colleagues that had such challenge used Mohan herbal medicine and were cured. If this helps, contact Dr. Mohan on
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