Curiosità e...
Hey.. oggi vi propongo delle curiosità, delle frasi di Freddie e ciò che hanno detto di lui dopo la sua scomparsa....
It's a Kind of Magic Freddie!!!!!
It's a Kind of Magic Freddie!!!!!
Il primo brano dei Queen suonato davanti ad un pubblico:"Stone Cold Crazy", il 27 giugno 1970 al City Hall di Truro in Inghilterra (al basso Mike Gross)
Il primo concerto dei Queen con John Deacon al basso:Al College di Surrey in Inghilterra, il 2 luglio 1971
Il primo singolo pubblicato dai Queen:"Keep yourself alive" (Queen, 1973)
Il primo singolo dei Queen ad entrare nelle top 10:"Seven seas of Rhye" (Queen II, 1973), al 10° posto.
Il primo singolo dei Queen a diventare numero uno in classifica:"Bohemian Rhapsody" (A night at the Opera, 1975)
Il primo brano cantato da Brian May in un album dei Queen:"Some day one day" (Queen II, 1973)
Il primo video realizzato dai Queen:"Bohemian Rhapsody", realizzato sotto la direzione di Bruce Gowers per un costo di 4000 sterline e 4 ore di riprese
Il primo album dei Queen nel quale appare un sintetizzatore:"The game" (1980)
Il primo singolo dei Queen ad essere stampato su picture disk:"It's a hard life" (The works, 1984)
La più alta posizione di entrata in classifica di un singolo dei Queen:1° Posto - "Innuendo" (Innuendo, 1991)
Il concerto dei Queen con la maggiore affluenza di pubblico:Stadio Morumbi di San Paulo (Brasile, 1981), 251.000 spettatori (su due serate)
L'ultimo concerto in assoluto dei Queen:Il 9 agosto 1986, al Knebworth Park - Stevenage - Inghilterra, ultima tappa del "Magic Tour"
Numero di concerti che i Queen hanno effettuato nella loro carriera:707
L'ultimo video girato da Freddie Mercury:"These are the days of our life" (Innuendo, 1991)
L'ultima canzone cantata da Freddie Mercury:"Mother Love" (Made in Heaven, 1995)
L'ultima apparizione pubblica di Freddie Mercury:Il musical "Give Time For AIDS"Giovedi 14 aprile 1988, Dominion Theatre di Londra
Frasi celebri di Freddie Mercury:
"Se anche dovessi morire domani, non mi preoccuperei affatto. Dalla vita ho ottenuto tutto"
"Il concetto che anima i Queen è quello di essere regali e maestosi. Il glamour è parte di noi, e vogliamo essere dandy"
"Il denaro è volgare ma meraviglioso. Tutto ciò che desidero dalla vita è fare un sacco di soldi e spenderli"
"L'eccesso è una parte di me. La monotonia è un male. Ho davvero bisogno di pericolo ed eccitazione."
"L'amore è come una roulette russa per me. Nessuno ama quello che io sono realmente, sono tutti innamorati della mia celebrità. Ho questa dura immagine macho che esibisco sul palco, ma anche una componente molto più tenera."
Hanno detto di Freddie Mercury:
"Noi tutti lo rimpiangeremo molto. Insieme ai Queen ha dato un grande contributo alla musica pop." (DAVID BOWIE)
"Freddie fu uno dei pochi che poteva realmente accendere uno stadio. Era seguito da milioni di fans in tutto il mondo. Mi mancherà la sua eccezionale interpretazione sul palco e la sua brillante voce."(FRANCIS ROSSI dei STATUS QUO)
"Freddie fu enorme fonte di ispirazione per me. Religiosamente assistevo agli spettacoli dei Queen anno dopo anno, aspettando impazientemente ogni loro nuovo album." (GEORGE MICHAEL)
"Molti tra i più grandi concerti a cui ho partecipato come organizzatore, erano quelli dei Queen. Freddie fu uno dei più grandi cantanti che la Gran Bretagna ha prodotto."(HARVEY GOLDSMITH)
"Io lo ammiravo e ho ammirato la sua onestà nell'ammettere che aveva l'aids. E' tutto così triste." (PHIL COLLINS)
"Se tu ami la musica, non puoi non aver amato Freddie. Egli era un meraviglioso showman che non sarà mai più dimenticato."(NEIL SEDAKA)
"A mio avviso è stato un genio che ha costantemente esplorato ogni area della musica popolare contemporanea, dal rock al blues, dal jazz all'opera e oltre." (ROB HALFORD)
"Mercury e i Queen possedevano uno stile unico: impossibile imitarli." (OZZY OSBOURNE)
"Era tutto per me" (AXL ROSE dei GUNS'N'ROSES)
"Semplicemente fù una delle figure più importanti del rock'n'roll di questi ultimi venti anni. Noi ricorderemo Freddie Mercury come qualcosa di veramente speciale." (ELTON JOHN)
Lo sapevate che...?
...da giovane, Freddie Mercury era un buon pugile? copertina di "Innuendo" è stata un'idea di Roger Taylor?
...Freddie Mercury non ha mai preso la patente di guida?
...Freddie Mercury, nel 1982, ha inciso delle canzoni con Michael Jackson? video di "Made in heaven" fu girato da Freddie ispirandosi all' Inferno di Dante e la Primavera di Stravinsky?
...gli album "A night at the Opera" e "A day at the races" sono titoli di 2 film dei fratelli Marx?
...nel 1981, nel momento di massima popolarità in Sud-America, i Queen avevano 10 album nella TOP 10 Argentina? brusca interruzione nel finale di "Man on the prowl" (The works, 1984) è dovuta al nastro di registrazione che finì prima del previsto?
...Freddie Mercury incise nel 1987 una canzone ("Keep on Smiling") per Colin, un ragazzo inglese finito in coma?
Queen in Italia:
Molti non sanno che i Queen, nel corso della loro ventennale carriera, hanno suonato anche in Italia, deliziando il pubblico con ben 2 concerti. Mi riferisco infatti alle serate effettuate a Milano il 14 e 15 settembre 1984, al palasport, durante il "Works European Tour". Di quelle 2 serate esiste una registrazione bootleg, chiamata "We will love you", ovvero un doppio cd che ripercorre il concerto (la qualità audio non è proprio ottima però il reperto è storico!). Adesso il palasport non esiste nemmeno più, infatti crollò qualche tempo dopo per un'abbondante nevicata! Ma non finisce qui: precedentemente i Queen suonarono anche al... Festival di Sanremo, esattamente il 3 febbraio 1984, presentando "Radio Ga ga" in playback. I Queen furono ospitati all'Hotel "Royal" (il più lussuoso di Sanremo) durante la loro permanenza. Diciamo che quella esibizione fù un trampolino di lancio per il loro album "The Works", che in Italia ebbe grande successo, arrivando fino al secondo posto nelle classifiche di vendita.
93 Commenti:
Alle 19/10/06 14:54 , MIKY ha detto...
continuo a sostenere ke lavori nei servizi t 6 dimenticato la passione per i gatti!ciao!
Alle 19/10/06 21:14 , KingMercury ha detto...
bè..non mi sono dimenticato dei suoi gatti!!erano la priorità assoluta quando tornava a casa!!ce ne sarebbero di cose da dire sulle passioni di freddie!!!
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Alle 22/12/12 05:28 , Anonimo ha detto...
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Alle 24/12/12 01:28 , Anonimo ha detto...
These are essentially brief term loans that do deliver you meet your fiscal problems inside a desired
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Alle 26/12/12 13:48 , Anonimo ha detto...
These are essentially short term loans that do supply
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Alle 2/1/13 01:50 , Anonimo ha detto...
These are essentially brief term loans that do give you meet your fiscal troubles within a
preferred specific time period. Considering time limitations
these loans are particularly made above an obligation 100 % free platform. As such, these are kept completely zero cost from credential checksums. Matters such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not regarded right here. Additional, there are also no collaterals connected with these loans. There is minimal paper operate needed on the portion of borrower. There are also no hidden or extra documentation or faxing required here. Applying for these loans is also very handy. Persons basically require filling an on the net form and when this gets authorized cash is received within 24 hours time frame. These loans are often provided below practical terms and circumstances. The common simple applicant criteria here is that they should certainly be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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Alle 2/1/13 02:16 , Anonimo ha detto...
These are essentially short term loans that do provide you meet your fiscal matters inside a preferred distinct time period.
Contemplating time limitations these loans are particularly intended above an
obligation absolutely free platform. As such, these are kept
fully totally free from credential checksums. Issues
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24 hours time frame. These loans are normally supplied under convenient
terms and situations. The common standard applicant criteria right here is
that they will need to be a UK resident and of 18
years of age.
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Alle 2/1/13 07:30 , Anonimo ha detto...
These are generally short term loans that do produce you meet your fiscal matters
inside a desired particular time period. Taking into consideration time limitations these loans are specifically created above an obligation free of charge platform.
As such, these are kept completely totally free from credential checksums.
Difficulties such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and
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Applying for these loans is also extremely practical.
Men and women basically call for filling an over the internet form and
once this gets approved money is received inside 24 hours time frame.
These loans are generally provided below convenient terms and situations.
The basic fundamental applicant criteria here is that they should really be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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Alle 2/1/13 13:04 , Anonimo ha detto...
These are generally short term loans that do
present you meet your fiscal troubles within a desired certain time period.
Contemplating time limitations these loans are particularly made
above an obligation totally free platform. As such, these are kept fully totally free from credential checksums.
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People only require filling an online form and once this gets approved cash is received within
24 hours time frame. These loans are frequently supplied beneath hassle-free terms and situations.
The general fundamental applicant criteria here is that they
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Alle 2/1/13 20:16 , Anonimo ha detto...
These are essentially brief phrase loans that do provide you meet your fiscal difficulties
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Considering time limitations these loans are particularly created above
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The common simple applicant criteria right here is that they ought to be a UK
resident and of 18 years of age.
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Alle 2/1/13 21:16 , Anonimo ha detto...
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There is minimal paper work required on the part of borrower.
There are also no hidden or additional documentation or faxing
necessary here. Applying for these loans is also particularly handy.
Consumers merely call for filling an on the web form and when this gets approved money is received inside 24 hours
time frame. These loans are usually supplied beneath hassle-free terms and conditions.
The basic simple applicant criteria here is that they must be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
Here is my website :
Alle 2/1/13 22:03 , Anonimo ha detto...
These are essentially short term loans that do offer
you meet your fiscal challenges within a preferred specific time period.
Contemplating time limitations these loans are specifically made above an obligation
totally free platform. As such, these are kept totally totally free from credential checksums.
Concerns such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and
even IVAs are not regarded as here. Further, there are also no
collaterals related with these loans. There is
minimal paper function needed on the aspect of borrower. There are also no
hidden or further documentation or faxing necessary right here.
Applying for these loans is also exceptionally handy. Folks only
require filling an web based form and when this gets approved cash
is received inside 24 hours time frame. These loans are generally provided beneath practical terms and
circumstances. The common basic applicant criteria here is that they should be a UK resident and of 18
years of age.
My page:
Alle 2/1/13 22:47 , Anonimo ha detto...
These are generally short term loans that do give
you meet your fiscal problems within a desired specific time period.
Contemplating time limitations these loans are especially designed above an obligation free platform.
As such, these are kept completely 100 % free from credential checksums. Challenges such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not viewed as here. Additional, there are also no collaterals associated with these loans. There is minimal paper operate required on the part of borrower. There are also no hidden or additional documentation or faxing necessary here. Applying for these loans is also highly handy. Persons simply call for filling an web based type and when this gets approved cash is received inside 24 hours time frame. These loans are normally offered below hassle-free terms and situations. The common basic applicant criteria right here is that they ought to be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
My homepage ;
Alle 2/1/13 23:17 , Anonimo ha detto...
These are basically brief term loans that do present you meet your fiscal troubles inside a desired certain time period.
Considering time limitations these loans are especially created above an obligation 100
% free platform. As such, these are kept absolutely no cost from credential checksums. Problems such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not regarded as right here. Further, there are also no collaterals related with these loans. There is minimal paper work needed on the portion of borrower. There are also no hidden or additional documentation or faxing needed right here. Applying for these loans is also especially handy. Men and women merely demand filling an on line form and when this gets authorized cash is received within 24 hours time frame. These loans are commonly supplied below hassle-free terms and conditions. The common basic applicant criteria right here is that they will need to be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
My site ...
Alle 3/1/13 04:36 , Anonimo ha detto...
These are essentially short phrase loans that do provide you meet your fiscal difficulties inside a preferred distinct time period.
Thinking of time limitations these loans are particularly intended above an obligation totally free platform.
As such, these are kept entirely absolutely free from credential checksums.
Difficulties such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not
deemed here. Additional, there are also no collaterals associated with
these loans. There is minimal paper function required on the
element of borrower. There are also no hidden or added documentation or faxing required right here.
Applying for these loans is also very handy.
People simply need filling an web based form and when this gets authorized money is received inside 24 hours time
frame. These loans are usually offered below practical terms and conditions.
The common standard applicant criteria here is that they will need to be a
UK resident and of 18 years of age.
Also see my page ::
Alle 4/1/13 13:24 , Anonimo ha detto...
These are fundamentally brief phrase loans that do provide you meet your fiscal
problems inside a preferred distinct time period.
Taking into consideration time limitations these loans are particularly designed above an obligation totally free platform.
As such, these are kept completely totally free from credential checksums.
Matters such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not
deemed here. Additional, there are also no collaterals connected with
these loans. There is minimal paper operate needed on the part of borrower.
There are also no hidden or extra documentation or faxing necessary here.
Applying for these loans is also incredibly convenient.
Men and women just call for filling an on the internet form and once this
gets approved money is received inside 24 hours time frame.
These loans are usually provided beneath convenient terms and circumstances.
The common basic applicant criteria here
is that they need to be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
My website -
Alle 4/1/13 14:25 , Anonimo ha detto...
These are essentially brief phrase loans that
do supply you meet your fiscal challenges inside a preferred precise time period.
Thinking about time limitations these loans are especially made above an obligation totally free platform.
As such, these are kept totally 100 % free from credential checksums. Concerns such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not regarded as here. Additional, there are also no collaterals related with these loans. There is minimal paper operate essential on the part of borrower. There are also no hidden or additional documentation or faxing required here. Applying for these loans is also really convenient. Individuals simply call for filling an on the internet form and as soon as this gets approved cash is received inside 24 hours time frame. These loans are in general offered under hassle-free terms and situations. The common standard applicant criteria right here is that they really should be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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Alle 4/1/13 17:19 , Anonimo ha detto...
These are essentially brief phrase loans that do deliver you meet
your fiscal difficulties inside a preferred particular time period.
Thinking of time limitations these loans are particularly intended above an obligation
free of charge platform. As such, these are kept fully totally free from credential
checksums. Issues such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy,
CCJs and even IVAs are not deemed right here. Additional, there are also
no collaterals linked with these loans. There is minimal paper function essential on the part of borrower.
There are also no hidden or extra documentation or faxing expected here.
Applying for these loans is also really handy. Persons
only need filling an web based form and when this gets authorized money is received inside 24 hours time frame.
These loans are commonly offered under convenient terms and circumstances.
The general standard applicant criteria here is that they will need to be a
UK resident and of 18 years of age.
My website ::
Alle 4/1/13 17:24 , Anonimo ha detto...
These are generally brief term loans that do present you meet your fiscal issues
inside a preferred particular time period.
Taking into consideration time limitations these loans are especially
created above an obligation free of charge platform.
As such, these are kept absolutely cost-free from credential checksums.
Concerns such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are
not regarded here. Additional, there are also no collaterals connected with
these loans. There is minimal paper work required on the component
of borrower. There are also no hidden or extra documentation or
faxing necessary right here. Applying for these loans is also incredibly hassle-free.
Many people only require filling an on-line form and when this gets
authorized money is received within 24 hours time frame.
These loans are frequently offered under practical terms and conditions.
The basic simple applicant criteria right here is that
they really should be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
My site ::
Alle 4/1/13 17:44 , Anonimo ha detto...
These are basically brief term loans that do give you meet your fiscal challenges within a preferred particular time period.
Considering time limitations these loans are specifically
developed above an obligation free of charge platform.
As such, these are kept completely cost-free from credential checksums.
Difficulties such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are
not deemed here. Additional, there are also no collaterals connected with these loans.
There is minimal paper operate necessary
on the portion of borrower. There are also no hidden
or extra documentation or faxing essential right here.
Applying for these loans is also particularly
practical. Many people just need filling an internet form
and when this gets approved cash is received within 24 hours time frame.
These loans are commonly offered below hassle-free terms and situations.
The general standard applicant criteria right here is that they should really be a
UK resident and of 18 years of age.
Here is my webpage ...
Alle 4/1/13 18:24 , Anonimo ha detto...
These are essentially brief phrase loans that do supply
you meet your fiscal problems inside a desired distinct time period.
Thinking of time limitations these loans are particularly
developed above an obligation totally free platform. As such,
these are kept absolutely free of charge from
credential checksums. Issues such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy,
CCJs and even IVAs are not deemed right here. Additional, there are also no collaterals
linked with these loans. There is minimal paper operate expected on the element of borrower.
There are also no hidden or added documentation or faxing essential
here. Applying for these loans is also pretty hassle-free.
Many people just require filling an online form and when this gets approved
money is received inside 24 hours time frame.
These loans are normally supplied under hassle-free terms and conditions.
The general standard applicant criteria right here is that
they must be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
Here is my homepage ::
Alle 5/1/13 07:35 , Anonimo ha detto...
These are essentially short phrase loans that do offer you meet your fiscal concerns inside a desired precise time period.
Taking into consideration time limitations these loans are specifically developed above an obligation cost-free platform.
As such, these are kept completely totally free from credential checksums.
Matters such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs
and even IVAs are not thought to be right here.
Additional, there are also no collaterals related with these loans.
There is minimal paper function necessary on
the aspect of borrower. There are also no hidden or additional documentation or faxing needed here.
Applying for these loans is also particularly hassle-free.
Men and women only call for filling an on the web type and when this
gets approved cash is received within 24 hours time frame.
These loans are typically provided below handy terms and circumstances.
The basic fundamental applicant criteria here is that they must be
a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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Alle 13/1/13 09:44 , Anonimo ha detto...
These are essentially short phrase loans that do give you meet your
fiscal problems within a preferred precise time period.
Taking into consideration time limitations these loans are particularly
intended above an obligation free platform. As such, these are kept fully no cost from credential checksums.
Challenges such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not thought to be here.
Additional, there are also no collaterals linked with these loans.
There is minimal paper perform required on the element of borrower.
There are also no hidden or added documentation or faxing expected here.
Applying for these loans is also exceptionally practical.
Men and women just need filling an online form and once this gets
approved cash is received within 24 hours time frame. These loans are generally
offered under convenient terms and circumstances.
The basic standard applicant criteria here is that they will need to be a UK resident and of 18
years of age.
My blog
Alle 26/1/13 13:00 , Anonimo ha detto...
These are generally brief term loans that do provide you meet your fiscal concerns within a preferred particular time period.
Thinking of time limitations these loans are specifically
developed above an obligation totally free
platform. As such, these are kept completely free of charge from
credential checksums. Difficulties such as defaults, arrears,
bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not considered right here.
Further, there are also no collaterals linked with
these loans. There is minimal paper perform expected on
the part of borrower. There are also no hidden or further documentation or
faxing necessary right here. Applying for these loans is also rather convenient.
Individuals merely demand filling an internet type and once this gets authorized money is received within 24
hours time frame. These loans are generally supplied beneath convenient terms and
situations. The basic basic applicant criteria right here is that they should certainly be a UK resident and of 18
years of age.
Also see my page:
Alle 26/1/13 17:26 , Anonimo ha detto...
These are generally brief term loans that do offer
you meet your fiscal troubles inside a preferred particular time period.
Thinking of time limitations these loans are particularly developed
above an obligation zero cost platform. As such, these are
kept entirely no cost from credential checksums. Problems such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not viewed as right here.
Further, there are also no collaterals related with these loans.
There is minimal paper work necessary on the aspect of borrower.
There are also no hidden or additional documentation or
faxing required right here. Applying for these loans is also particularly practical.
Persons just demand filling an on the web form and when this gets
authorized money is received inside 24 hours time frame.
These loans are in general provided under hassle-free terms and circumstances.
The general standard applicant criteria here is that they will need to
be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
Here is my webpage :
Alle 26/1/13 21:38 , Anonimo ha detto...
These are fundamentally brief phrase loans that do give you meet
your fiscal matters within a desired precise time period.
Contemplating time limitations these loans are specifically made above an obligation absolutely free platform.
As such, these are kept fully free from credential checksums.
Issues such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even
IVAs are not regarded as right here. Further, there are also no collaterals related with these loans.
There is minimal paper function required on the portion of borrower.
There are also no hidden or additional documentation
or faxing needed right here. Applying for these loans is also pretty
practical. People simply demand filling an via the internet form and as soon as
this gets authorized cash is received inside 24 hours time frame.
These loans are generally supplied under convenient terms
and situations. The common standard applicant criteria right here
is that they should certainly be a UK resident and of 18 years
of age.
My website: go to
Alle 2/2/13 09:10 , Anonimo ha detto...
These are fundamentally brief term loans that do give you meet
your fiscal problems inside a preferred certain
time period. Considering time limitations these loans are specifically
developed above an obligation no cost platform. As
such, these are kept totally cost-free from credential checksums.
Concerns such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not thought to be here.
Additional, there are also no collaterals linked with these loans.
There is minimal paper function needed on the element of borrower.
There are also no hidden or added documentation or
faxing needed right here. Applying for these loans is also really hassle-free.
Many people simply require filling an web based form and once this gets approved cash is received within 24 hours time
frame. These loans are commonly provided below handy terms and situations.
The general standard applicant criteria here is that they should be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
Here is my site :
Alle 2/2/13 19:44 , Anonimo ha detto...
These are generally brief phrase loans that do produce you meet your fiscal challenges inside
a preferred precise time period. Contemplating time limitations
these loans are particularly designed above an obligation free platform.
As such, these are kept completely zero cost from credential
checksums. Challenges such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs
are not regarded here. Further, there are also no collaterals associated
with these loans. There is minimal paper function expected on
the part of borrower. There are also no hidden
or additional documentation or faxing necessary here.
Applying for these loans is also particularly practical.
People today basically call for filling an on the net type and as soon as this gets authorized money
is received within 24 hours time frame. These loans are in general supplied
beneath convenient terms and circumstances.
The general basic applicant criteria right here is that they ought to be a UK resident
and of 18 years of age.
Here is my weblog ;
Alle 6/2/13 07:55 , Anonimo ha detto...
These are generally brief term loans that do present you meet your fiscal issues inside a desired
distinct time period. Contemplating time limitations these loans are especially intended above an obligation no cost platform.
As such, these are kept entirely totally free from
credential checksums. Challenges such as defaults, arrears,
bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not thought to be right here.
Further, there are also no collaterals related with these loans.
There is minimal paper operate essential on the part of borrower.
There are also no hidden or extra documentation or faxing necessary right here.
Applying for these loans is also extremely handy. Persons only
require filling an web based form and when this gets approved cash is received within 24 hours time frame.
These loans are usually offered under convenient terms and conditions.
The basic basic applicant criteria right here is that
they should really be a UK resident and of 18 years
of age.
Here is my page ...
Alle 7/2/13 14:41 , Anonimo ha detto...
These are essentially brief phrase loans that do give you meet your fiscal difficulties within a preferred certain time period.
Thinking about time limitations these loans are specifically developed
above an obligation totally free platform. As such, these are kept fully cost-free from credential checksums.
Issues such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are
not thought to be here. Additional, there are also no collaterals linked with these loans.
There is minimal paper work essential on the component of borrower.
There are also no hidden or additional documentation
or faxing required right here. Applying for these loans is also incredibly practical.
Men and women just require filling an over the internet type and when
this gets authorized cash is received inside 24 hours time frame.
These loans are in general provided under hassle-free terms and conditions.
The common basic applicant criteria here is that they should certainly be
a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
Stop by my site : find more
Alle 15/2/13 05:00 , Anonimo ha detto...
These are basically brief phrase loans that do give you meet your fiscal problems inside a desired certain time period.
Contemplating time limitations these loans are especially
created above an obligation cost-free platform. As such, these
are kept totally free from credential checksums.
Difficulties such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not thought to be
here. Additional, there are also no collaterals connected
with these loans. There is minimal paper work essential on the element of borrower.
There are also no hidden or further documentation or faxing expected here.
Applying for these loans is also really convenient. Folks merely call for filling an on the
web type and as soon as this gets approved cash is received inside 24 hours time frame.
These loans are typically offered below hassle-free terms and conditions.
The common fundamental applicant criteria right here is that they really should be a UK
resident and of 18 years of age.
Also visit my webpage -
Alle 15/2/13 07:09 , Anonimo ha detto...
These are basically short term loans that do deliver you meet your fiscal problems inside a preferred precise time period.
Thinking of time limitations these loans are specifically made
above an obligation 100 % free platform. As such, these are kept entirely free from credential checksums. Issues such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not regarded here. Further, there are also no collaterals related with these loans. There is minimal paper operate needed on the aspect of borrower. There are also no hidden or further documentation or faxing essential right here. Applying for these loans is also really practical. People basically need filling an on the internet form and once this gets approved cash is received within 24 hours time frame. These loans are usually offered under handy terms and situations. The common basic applicant criteria here is that they really should be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
Also see my web page:
Alle 15/2/13 07:17 , Anonimo ha detto...
These are fundamentally brief phrase loans that do produce you meet your fiscal challenges within a preferred particular time period.
Thinking of time limitations these loans are specifically developed above an obligation absolutely free platform.
As such, these are kept totally totally free from credential
checksums. Matters such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy,
CCJs and even IVAs are not viewed as right here.
Further, there are also no collaterals associated with these loans.
There is minimal paper operate required on the component of borrower.
There are also no hidden or added documentation or faxing required right here.
Applying for these loans is also incredibly convenient.
Many people just call for filling an online form and as soon
as this gets authorized cash is received within 24 hours
time frame. These loans are often supplied below convenient
terms and conditions. The basic basic applicant criteria here
is that they should really be a UK resident
and of 18 years of age.
my webpage ::
Alle 15/2/13 08:17 , Anonimo ha detto...
These are basically brief phrase loans that do offer you meet
your fiscal problems inside a preferred certain time
period. Thinking of time limitations these loans are particularly intended above an obligation absolutely free
platform. As such, these are kept fully cost-free from credential checksums.
Issues such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not regarded as right here.
Additional, there are also no collaterals associated with these
loans. There is minimal paper function needed on the aspect of borrower.
There are also no hidden or extra documentation or faxing needed right here.
Applying for these loans is also particularly hassle-free.
Persons basically require filling an via the internet form and once this gets authorized
money is received inside 24 hours time frame.
These loans are in general offered below convenient terms and circumstances.
The common simple applicant criteria right here is that they really should be a
UK resident and of 18 years of age.
my website -
Alle 15/2/13 08:31 , Anonimo ha detto...
These are essentially brief term loans that do give you meet your fiscal issues within a desired distinct
time period. Taking into consideration time limitations these loans are especially made above an obligation
free platform. As such, these are kept fully free of charge from credential checksums.
Concerns such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not thought to be here.
Additional, there are also no collaterals associated with these
loans. There is minimal paper operate needed on the aspect of borrower.
There are also no hidden or additional documentation or faxing essential here.
Applying for these loans is also really hassle-free.
Consumers only call for filling an online form and when this gets authorized money is received inside 24 hours time frame.
These loans are typically provided beneath practical terms and conditions.
The common fundamental applicant criteria right
here is that they really should be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
Here is my web blog
Alle 15/2/13 08:41 , Anonimo ha detto...
These are essentially short term loans that do give you meet your
fiscal issues inside a desired certain time period. Considering time limitations these loans are specifically
created above an obligation free platform.
As such, these are kept completely 100 % free from credential checksums. Challenges such as defaults, arrears, bankruptcy, CCJs and even IVAs are not regarded as here. Further, there are also no collaterals linked with these loans. There is minimal paper work expected on the aspect of borrower. There are also no hidden or added documentation or faxing required here. Applying for these loans is also rather practical. People today merely require filling an on-line form and once this gets authorized cash is received inside 24 hours time frame. These loans are in general supplied under practical terms and conditions. The common standard applicant criteria right here is that they must be a UK resident and of 18 years of age.
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