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sabato, ottobre 06, 2007

Hanno detto di Freddie....

David Bowie"We will all miss him a lot. Together with his band he made a great contribution to popular music."

Gary Cherone
"Freddie meant everything to me growing up. For as long as I can remember I've been the biggest Queen fan. There's nothing we don't know by Queen."

Phil Collins"This is a tragedy. I admired Freddie as a performer and for his honesty in admiting he had AIDS. It is all so sad."

Joe Elliott
(Def Leppard)
"Freddie Mercury was the very acceptable and positive side of pompous and big. He was like a male version of Liza Minnelli. He was this big, old character that was larger than life. I imagine the closest thing you'll ever get to Freddie Mercury is Wrestlemania, and that's including the show, the building, the people inside it and the ring!"

Francis Rossi
(Status Quo)
"Freddie was one of the elite few who could really set a stadium alight. Along with millions of fans throughout the world I will miss his exceptional performance and brilliant voice."

John Marshall
(Gay Times, January 1992)
"He was a 'scene-queen', not afraid to publicly express his gayness but unwilling to analyse or justify his lifestyle... It was as if Freddie Mercury was saying to the world, 'I am what I am. So what?' And that in itself was a statement"

Brian May
"My tribute really was 'The Show Must Go On.' There's a lot in there. I remember writing this line -- 'my soul is painted like the wings of butterflies' -- and I brought it to him one morning, a little worried about what he would think of it. I said, 'Do you think that's okay? Can you sing that?' And he went, 'Darling, I can sing that and I will give it my all.' Because he knew what it was all about and it didn't need to be said."

Brian May
"Freddie Mercury - Free Spirit

It seems inconceivable that we now have to do without Freddie; this proud, vibrant, irreverent and passionately creative man surely can't have been extinguished in the prime of his life? Freddie was denied the privilege of growing old, but in 45 years he packed in enough living for a dozen lifetimes. A child of strict upbringing, he was, when I met him, an uncertain youth stepping into an unfamiliar world outside, but his head was full of great dreams and the certainty that they could be achieved. At the age of 20 he already lived the dreams, and behaved with a gentle grandeur that demanded respect. He looked and acted like a million dollars, though he had scarcely the bus far home on his person. (that never changed! - later when his millions were safely in the bank, someone else always carried the purse!). Perhaps in changing his name just prior to our first record sleeve, he decided to leave the fragile Frederick Bulsara at home under parental care, and became the God Freddie Mercury. Freddie was a very uncommon creature in our time - a free spirit. He knew what he wanted to be and set about it with complete dedication. His loves were music and life, life was for living and enjoying to the full, and when life disappointed and hurt him, he poured all the more passion into perfecting his music, the weaving of his spells. He never hid in modesty. He gave himself credit for his own achievements and gave credit generously to the achievements of those around him. Freddie never did anything by halves, he had no time for anything but the best. His spirit will live on as long as musicians strive to pour excitement, drama and mystery into their work. I was fortunate to share in many moments of creation with Freddie, and I still hear his voice whenever a mediocre compromise is threatened.. "No Darling, we don't compromise" His songs say it all: Lily Of The Valley, Killer Queen, Bohemian Rhapsody, The March Of The Black Queen, We Are The Champions, The Miracle, Play The Game and many others all have the finest shades of emotion among the bold strokes. Freddie never wanted to discuss his lyrics: "They should speak for themselves" was his curt dismissal. But the imagination in those lyrics compiled with a magical sense of melody, and a deft knack of sliding between keys at the drop of a hat, made him one of the truly original soingwriters of our time. Person, writer and finally performer. This is where the superlatives run out. For, on a stage in front of 200 people or 200,000 he was, of course, matchless. Somehow by channelling his inner self through the heroic, yet intensely human figure that he had created, he reached out to every heart, every boy who ever struggled to be a man, every woman who wanted a man like this. He had the touch of genius which spurred us all to greatness. Freddie, you did it: you were the best: you changed the world. God Speed."

Axl Rose
(Guns N'Roses)
"Freddie Mercury's death was something I had been preparing for since I had heard of his AIDS...If I didn't have Freddie Mercury's words and lyrics to hold onto as a kid, I don't know where I'd be...I never really had a bigger teacher in my whole life."

Billy Squier"We were very close friends; he was a very special person to me. Freddie was probably the most creative individual I ever met, and he was really fun. He had a great zest for life. He was also very unselfish and very caring. He put himself out to work with me and it was phenomenal experience. [Freddie sang background on Squier's Emotions In Motion and Enough Is Enough albums; Billy opened Queen's Hot Space tour.]"

Harvey Goldsmith"Molti tra i più grandi concerti a cui ho partecipato come organizzatore, erano quelli dei Queen. Freddie fu uno dei più grandi cantanti che la Gran Bretagna ha prodotto."

Elton John"Semplicemente fù una delle figure più importanti del rock'n'roll di questi ultimi venti anni. Noi ricorderemo Freddie Mercury come qualcosa di veramente speciale."

Rob Halford"A mio avviso è stato un genio che ha costantemente esplorato ogni area della musica popolare contemporanea, dal rock al blues, dal jazz all'opera e oltre."

George Michael"Freddie fu enorme fonte di ispirazione per me. Religiosamente assistevo agli spettacoli dei Queen anno dopo anno, aspettando impazientemente ogni loro nuovo album."

Ozzy Osbourne"Mercury e i Queen possedevano uno stile unico: impossibile imitarli."

Neil Sedaka"Se ami la musica, non puoi non aver amato Freddie. Egli era un meraviglioso showman che non sarà mai dimenticato."
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